On a warm evening

Dhyaniga Priyadharshani
2 min readDec 29, 2021

A question like ‘what is life?’ is answered by life, in million different ways. At times, there are people who got clarity and not the answer. Life used to talk with me many a times. I could remember one such warm evening still fresh in my memory lane.

It touched me through the hands of many people and hugged me tight telling that life is independent in reality. I didn’t understand the thorough meaning of it, though I just nodded and smiled. I still remember people crying around me and sympathising. To be honest i didn’t think much at that time but I was simply observing. Everything was different that evening….

Everything was different that evening, my mom didn’t search for me, my dad didn’t give my biscuits, my sis didn’t play with me. Beyond all this our home was filled with lots of people, known and unknown. I was not grown enough to smile at others tears, but i was too shy to speak or question.

My mom was no more to crush, kiss, cuddle, share and love that night. All I learnt that day was ‘Death’. My total perspective of life changed from then on. Some evenings are so warm that you feel suffocated and burning. Life won’t leave you just like that. It loves teaching and being with you. No matter what life goes on. In my life I don’t remember anything of my mom except for that warm evening. She didn’t even say bye to me, It’s all for good, I wouldn’t have let her go peacefully. But life chose to speak with me. It chose my dad, sis, relatives, neighbours, nature (my friend when I was two until now) as messengers. They all tried giving my mom’s love at their best.

Now, I know that life has spoken to me that evening. Actually life has answered my un-asked question. I tried translating Life’s words in my understanding here, “I am there for you, no matter what believe in me, I will lead you until I rest you. Everyone is filled with my presence and I give orders executing purpose of divinity. I stop them when they are tired and I give them rest. No matter what you believe in life I will make wonders like YOU, now take care of yourself.” Honestly, it took me years to understand the meaning. Life is meant to be lived in collaboration of dependence and independence. The hardest of hardest part is to live emotionally independent.

Warm evenings are special, cherish it.



Dhyaniga Priyadharshani

Born to the magical parents, I always like to read people and make people read.